Saturday, May 21, 2022


TimescaleDB is a time-series database, built on top of PostgreSQL. More than that, however, it's a relational database for time-series. Developers who use TimescaleDB get the benefit of a purpose-built time-series database, plus a classic relational database (PostgreSQL), all in one, with full SQL support.

TimescaleDB also includes a number of time-oriented features that aren't found in traditional relational databases. These include special query optimizations (like the merge append above) that provide some of the huge performance improvements for time-oriented queries, as well as other time-oriented functions (some of which are listed below).

Today, we are announcing the general availability of OpenTelemetry tracing support in Promscale, the observability backend for metrics and traces built on the rock-solid foundations of PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB. We’re now closer to becoming the unified data store for observability powered by SQL, bringing the PostgreSQL and observability worlds together.

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